Sustainability and Feminist Spirituality

At The Vermont Bookshop in Middlebury last night for a reading from Wild Mountain with old college pals Nancy Means Wright and Ann Young

Sustainability is about honoring our basic interdependence with the natural world, remembering to be present and grounded in our bodies and the earth beneath our feet. Feminist theology and/or feminist spirituality begins with our bodies, birthing and touching and breathing, being with each other. Being in community. I am happy to be a part of the Green Writers Press community and share this sensibility with Dede and all of you who speak out for the integrity of life on earth.

This was my response to Dede Cummings, my publisher at Green Writers Press, who is at the Women’s Convention in Detroit and asked for comments from her women authors. Green Writers Press’s mission is to “help foster a sustainable environment” and “to spread a message of hope and renewal through the words and images we publish.
